

Agatha Christie's Miss Marple: Collection 2 ( A Pocketful of Rye / The Murder at the Vicarage / Sleeping Murder ) (1985)

Director: John Howard Davies, Julian Amyes, Guy Slater
Starring: Cheryl Campbell, Paul Eddington, Peter Davison, Polly Adams, Tom Wilkinson, Joan...

Agatha Christie's beloved character, Miss Jane Marple, is a prim, somewhat dour but good-hearted old bird with a knack for solving complicated mysteri... Read more

Paris, Je T'aime (2006)

Director: Alexander Payne, Alfonso Cuaron, Gurinder Chadha, Gus Van Sant, Joel Coen, Oliver Schmitz, Olivier Assayas, Tom Tykwer, Walter Salles, Wes Craven, Sylvain Chomet, etc , Gerard Depardieu
Starring: Leila Bekhti, Juliette Binoche, Steve Buscemi, Sergio Castellitto, Willem Dafoe,...

A grand anthology of love letters to the city of romance from a stunningly varied array of international directors from the Coen Brothers to Alfonso C... Read more